



To purse “A Lady in the Woods” 2 (Flowers in Spring and Summer) 【Unzen-Amakusa National Park/Unzen Area】

雲仙 古城かおり
 Hello.This is a continuation of the last report. 
 Here is a photo of Oyamarenge I took this month. I heard that one Oyamarenge was in bloom, so I went looking for it. 
 The flower in the hot topic has already dropped its petals, but I was able to find one in bloom on another tree. There were also about 10 buds on other trees (mid-June). A number of flowers are expected to be in bloom this week.

Oyamarenge:June 2022
 Oyamarenge is a member of the Magnolia family. “Magnolia Kobus” and “Japanese Bigleaf Magnolia” are in the same family.   
 While Magnolia Kobus and Japanese Bigleaf Magnolia grow in the lower elevations, Oyamarenge grows in the higher elevations. In Nagasaki prefecture, Oyamarenge is found only on Unzendake.
 It is impressive, not only for its beautiful appearance, but also for its sweet fragrance. If you haven’t seen the lady in the woods, I suggest that you visit Mt. Fugen.

 You can see Oyamarenge mainly on the north side of Mt. Fugen. Please make sure of the trail when you go Mt. Fugen, because the trail from “Hatoanawakare” to “Muhyozawa” is only a one-way trail (Please see the map).