▲カキラン (Epipactis. thunburgii) ▲ヤマホトトギス(Tricyrtis.macropoda)
▲アソノコギリソウ(白とピンク色があります) ▲カワラマツバ(あま~い匂いがします)
(Achillea. alpina var.brevidens) (Galium verm var asiaticum f.nikkoense)
▲オオバギボウシ(Hosta.montata) ▲ノバラ( Rosa multiflora)
Patrol for Daikanbo footpath
I am one of the Active Rangers at Aso-Kuju National Park Office. We keep our blogs to share what we do and what goes on in the park. Today's diary is about our regular patrol. This time we went out to Daikanbo footpath with aim to check safety and current condition of the footpath following the Kumamoto earthquake last year and the rainy season which just finished.
Entrance to the footpath is from route 212. There is not a car park nearby and entrance is discreetly marked with a pink ribbon. Once you take steep steps, you will be quickly leave traffic noise and be surrounded by cool woodland with sunshine and breeze through the trees.
Continuing the path, you then walk through narrow path with various native mountain flowers and wild berries including rare species that we are working hard to protect.
One the way, you can enjoy the breathtaking views over the caldera that Mount Aso offers. And when you get to the Daikanbo Observatory, 360 degrees of panorama view and cooling breeze will be waiting for you. Why do not you take some picnic and enjoy the walk?! We assure this will be a memorable experience in Aso for you!!