Guide to viewpoints in Saga Prefecture
From Yoshinogari Historical Park (Kanzaki City & Yoshinogari Town)
Let's click the map for the guide of viewpoints in the prefecture!
If you click the area/transport names below the map,
you can check the views from the respective areas/transports
(in Japanese with English titles).
①太良町 Tara Town ②鹿島市 Kashima City ③白石町 Shiroishi Town
④唐津市 Karatsu City ⑤多久市 Taku City ⑥小城市 Ogi City
⑦佐賀市 Saga City ⑧神埼市 Kanzaki City ⑨吉野ヶ里町 Yoshinogari Town
⑩みやき町 Miyaki Town ⑪鳥栖市 Tosu City
⑫九州佐賀国際空港 Kyushu Saga International Airport
⑬JR長崎本線 JR Nagasaki Line