Use of our website
Viewing environment
We recommend viewing the website of the International Coral Reef Research and Monitoring Center of the Ministry of the Environment using Internet Explorer 10 or higher, Safari 9 or higher, or the latest versions of Google Chrome or Firefox.
The official website of the center applies the copyright and link policy of the Ministry of the Environment. Please see the page "Copyrights and Links" of the Ministry of the Environment for more information.
Privacy policy
The official website of the center applies the privacy policy of the Ministry of the Environment. Please see the page "Privacy Policy" of the Ministry of the Environment for more information.
Links to the website
In principle, you do not need permission to link to our website, but please read the notes below before placing a link.
NotesLink location
Please provide the link only to the top page. Note that URLs for other pages are subject to change without notice.
Please contact the International Coral Reef Research and Monitoring Center for more information.
How to place a link
Please follow the process described below to ensure that the users are directed to the website of the International Coral Reef Research and Monitoring Center.
- Please do not place a link that embeds the website of the International Coral Reef Research and Monitoring Center into other websites.
- Please ensure that the link opens in a new window.
- Please clearly state the name of the center, "International Coral Reef Research and Monitoring Center of the Ministry of the Environment," in the link source.
Use of images
The copyrights to the images on the website remain with the International Coral Reef Research and Monitoring Center. Please contact us in advance if you wish to use the images for reproduction.
Notification of links
Once the page of the link source has been published, we would appreciate if you could inform us of the link source URL of the page and provide the name and contact information (e-mail) of the administrator.
With respect to the notifications of links to the website of the International Coral Reef Research and Monitoring Center of the Ministry of the Environment, you may contact us by fax. If you wish to place a link, please include the website address of the link source. Furthermore, you may contact us for general inquiries regarding the website, e.g., the copyrights of the website.